Special Education
Many students with disabilities can gain valuable work ethic and employability skills by attending a career center. Buckeye Career Center recognizes its duty and privilege to provide assistance to students with disabilities to help them develop to their maximum potential.
Special Education Coordinators, Kelly Luneborg and Dave Aubihl, work with partner school personnel, parents and teachers in order to determine the optimum Individualized Education Program (IEP) for each student. In addition, they educate and update staff with necessary information, distribute required documents and acquire appropriate assistive technologies and personnel for the students.
Buckeye Career Center offers the least restrictive environment to the students by offering a variety of academics in the resource room, inclusion setting and general education. We also offer intervention/support through our Excel room. Our intervention specialists work with the general education teachers and career tech instructors to provide the individual support needed for success.
In addition to the career tech labs, Buckeye Career Center offers two vocational programs dedicated to providing entry-level skills for employment through TRACE U and Hospitality.
For current resources and forms from ODE concerning Special Education please see the ODE link.
For more information please contact:
Email Kelly Luneborg, Special Education Coordinator or call 330.339.2288, ext. 1270 or 1.880.227.1665
Email David Aubihl, Special Education Coordinator or call 330-339-2288, ext. 1271 or 1.800.227.1665